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Professional Supplier Management

  • Course level: Alle Level
  • Duration 32h
  • Insgesamt eingeschrieben 0
  • Last Update 12. January 2021

About Course

A systematic management of your supply base helps you to maximize the leverage of Procurement in your business.


A systematic management of your supply base helps you to maximize the leverage of procurement in your business. This entails identifying the best suppliers to do business with, suppliers to develop and those to dissociate your business from. These decisions are facilitated by systematic supplier risk management that will also help to minimize losses in your business. During this four-day training, the participants learn how to classify their suppliers and take appropriate measures to achieve the above objectives. The training can be accompanied by practical work, that will help the participants to establish supply base management during the training and follow up to use it to get the best from their supply base.

What Will I Learn?

  • - Being able to systematically manage entire supply base – Developing suppliers to achieve specific goals – Being able to identify which suppliers to work with, develop or stop business with - Supplier Risk Management – clearly identifying areas to leverage benefits of procurement.

Topics for this course

1 Lessons32h

Professional Supplier Management?

Systematic management of your supply base helps you to maximize the leverage of Procurement in your business.

About the instructor

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5 Kurse

0 Kursteilnehmer


Material Includes

  • - Concept of Supply Base Management – Methods of Supplier Segmentation – Supplier Evaluation and Development – Supplier ScoreCard and Assessment criteria – Supplier Relationship Management – Supplier Business Reviews- Supplier Risk Assessment – Risk Mitigation.

Target Audience

  • Young professionals and also experts in Procurement. Companies and businesses willing to establish or improve supply base management.
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