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Essentials of Industry 4.0 – Digitalization

  • Kurslevel: Alle Level
  • Dauer 16h
  • Insgesamt eingeschrieben 0
  • Zuletzt aktualisiert 12. Januar 2021

Über den Kurs

Do you wish to understand the concept of Industry 4.0, its advantages, and how you can employ


Do you wish to understand the concept of Industry 4.0, its advantages, and how you can employ it to transform your business into a customer-focused and more lucrative business? This training presents Digital Transformation from a principle perspective.

It teaches you how to analyze your current business and transform it using digital business model to achieve specific goals, profit maximization being the ultimate goal. With the example of a manufacturing environment, the training shows the participants how the entire value chain can be connected and work together to satisfy the always changing customer requirements or customer desires. At the end, the participants use their own cases to develop a digital business model, which they can implement.

Was werde ich lernen?

  • - Understanding of Digitalization – Applying digital business models - Initiating and executing simple digital transformation project

Themen für diesen Kurs


Essentials of Industry 4.0 – Digitalization?

Do you wish to understand the concept of Industry 4.0, its advantages, and how you can employ

Über den Dozenten

0 (0 Bewertungen)

5 Kurse

0 Kursteilnehmer


Die Materialien enthalten

  • - Concept of Digitalization - Correlation of digitalization and previous industrial revolutions – Key aspects of Digitalization - digitalization and innovation – basics of knowledge engineering (artificial intelligence) - Internet of things - digital business models – Tools for Digitalization


  • Young professionals and individuals interesting in understanding Industry 4.0 for their work of personal development, individuals or small companies that wish to start a Digital Transformation project.
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